CANCELLED: St Mary’s Fete, Saturday 4th July 2020
We have had several conversations with Jonathan and the churchwardens and it is with a very heavy heart that we have decided to cancel this year’s St. Mary’s Church Fete on 4th July 2020, rather than postponing it to a later date.
We are of course all hoping that some of the restrictions will be lifted by then, but we do not believe that any mass gatherings of people will be allowed in the next few months. And of course we wanted to give everyone as much notice of the cancellation as we could.
This is of course particularly disappointing for the charities that we usually support but also for those who have already started to prepare for the fete.
However, we are optimistic that the pandemic will be in total control by July next year and we have already set the date for next year’s fete which will be on Saturday July 3rd 2021.
We hope that everyone will be on board again helping with arrangements for the fair and running stalls and activities, so please put this date in your calendar for 2021.
In the meantime we hope that you all manage to stay safe and sound in these difficult times and we look forward to an exciting event in 2021.
The Fete Organising Committee