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Thank you for making our Summer Fete a big success!

Our annual Summer Fete which took place on the 6th of July was a wonderful day and fantastic outreach for the whole village and surrounding area. Lots of people had a great time and we raised a record amount of £4,868 (after deduction of all expenses), which will be shared between local charity People Not Borders, Clare Hodgson’s charity GO MAD (Go Make a Difference) and St Mary’s Church Roof Fund. A detailed breakdown of the takings per stall is displayed on the notice board at the back of the church.

The organisation of the fete requires a lot of planning and many, many helpers both on the day and behind the scenes and we rely on the kindness of parishioners to donate cakes, bottles, plants, books, gifts & toiletries, toys, tombola and raffle items.

So, well done and a huge thank you to all of you, whether you helped with the organisation, the setting up of the stalls, clearing up after the fete, manning stalls, donating items, or simply coming to enjoy yourself.... you all contributed to the success of the fete.

Following our church's tradition the date for next year's fete has already been set for Saturday 4th of July 2020. Please put the date in your diaries and if you feel you could help with the organisation or running a stall, please speak to Linda, Rachel, Evelyn or Margit.

The Fete Organising Committee

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