St Mary’s Church Summer Fete - Saturday 6th July from 12.30 until 4pm

We are looking forward to seeing you at our annual church fete!
To open the fete pupils from St. Mary’s School will perform country dancing. For children there is a host of activities in the rectory garden, including a princess lucky dip, face painting, a children’s craft tent, a toy tombola, a bouncy castle and ice creams.
On the school field you will find the ever popular coconut shy, have a go at “Soak the Rector”, try your skill at putting a golf ball, or see how far you can throw a welly. Back by popular demand will be the tug of war game. Make sure to register your team well in advance for a chance to win the second St. Mary’s Summer Fete Tug of War Cup!
Try our burgers fresh from the BBQ and enjoy them with a glass of beer or Pimms and we will be serving tea and a tasty selection of cakes in the Parish Rooms.
Listen to the Hemel Brass Band whilst you browse through the stalls on the playground: books, gifts & toiletries, plants and flower arrangements, cakes, “nearly new items”, beautifully handcrafted and creative stationery, or win a bottle, or one of our great prizes on the tombola or raffle.
In the church enjoy a rendition of Handel’s songs and arias by professional soprano Madalina Tudorian accompanied on the piano by Roger Bowley.
Aside from being a great day out for all ages, a key aim of the day is to raise money for the church as well as local and international charities. Proceeds will be split between the following deserving charities:
St. Mary’s Church Roof Fund
We are continuing to raise money to pay for the new roof on the main and north transept which has recently been installed.
A local charity that runs appeals for second-hand and new items needed by refugees.
A Christian charity working with local community leaders on the north coast of the Dominican Republic providing healthcare and education.