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Seven of the nineteen externally lit windows in St Mary's were made by Charles Eamer Kempe, a member of the Arts and Crafts movement, and by Walter Ernest Tower, who took over Kempe's company after his sudden death in 1907.


The windows show scenes from the life of Christ:

  • The Annunciation to Mary - North aisle

  • The Nativity with Shepherds - South aisle

  • The Visit of the Magi - North aisle

  • The Presentation in the Temple - South aisle

  • Jesus in Joseph's Carpentry Shop - North aisle

The great east window shows scenes from Christ's passion, from the Garden of Gethsemane to his death on the cross, and then scenes from the resurrection narrative run from the south side of the high altar westwards down the chancel.

Two windows in the south transept are of separate origin - the millennium window, designed by Alexander Sidorov, and the Loxley memorial window, designed by Hugh Easton, who was responsible for the Battle of Britain window in Westminster Abbey.

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