Rev. Jonathan Gordon
Jun 24, 2019
Trinity Sunday
Today combines Trinity Sunday with Father’s Day and just in case the girls were unsure what to buy me, I ordered Bruce Springsteen’s new...

Rev. Jonathan Gordon
Jun 13, 2019
Join us at the Berkhamsted Deanery Barn Dance on Saturday 22nd June!
The Berkhamsted Deanery Barn Dance will be held on Saturday 22nd June at Northchurch Social Centre. The evening will kick off at 19:00...

Rev. Jonathan Gordon
Jun 3, 2019
St Mary's Film Club: Into the Wild
Join us in the Parish Room on Wednesday 5th June at 7.45pm to watch Sean Penn's Oscar nominated film, Into the Wild. Refreshments will be...

Rev. Jonathan Gordon
Jun 3, 2019
St Mary's Pentecost All Age Worship service on Sunday 9th June
Join us for our Pentecost All Age Worship service on Sunday 9th June at 10am. There will be some fun craft activities for children where...

Rev. Jonathan Gordon
May 27, 2019
St Mary's Ascension Day Service - Thursday 30th May at 7pm
A principal feast of the Christian year. Celebrating the completion of Christ’s work on earth and his ascension into glory. Join us for a...

Rev. Jonathan Gordon
May 23, 2019
June 2019 Parish Newsletter
Keep up to date with the latest Parish news in the June 2019 edition of the Parish Newsletter. If you have any advertising or editorial...

Rev. Jonathan Gordon
May 13, 2019
St Mary’s Church Summer Fete - Saturday 6th July from 12.30 until 4pm
We are looking forward to seeing you at our annual church fete! To open the fete pupils from St. Mary’s School will perform country...

Jenny Hoare
May 7, 2019
SING: Monteverdi and Mussorgsky at St Mary’s - 2019 Choral Workshop on Saturday July 20th
Since I became organist at St Mary’s Northchurch, we have held an annual choral workshop in the church, attracting singers from across...

Rev. Jonathan Gordon
May 7, 2019
St Mary's Sunday football - join us this Sunday 12th May at 7pm!
Are you are interested in joining a skilled team of professionals for a high intensity and competitive Sunday match? If so, I'm afraid...

Evelyn Hodgson
Apr 29, 2019
St Mary's Northchurch Christian Aid Lunch
Join us at 12:00 in the Parish Rooms on Sunday 19th May for a delicious homemade soup lunch and help us to support Christian Aid....